Steve White, ITEX Steve White’s barter career began in 1982 when he established a Seattle regional exchange, and later founded the barter industry’s first Technology Committee and co-founded the Barter Association National Currency (BANC).

His company went public as, launching the Internet’s first on-line barter site in 1998, and was the catalyst for venture capital firms to invest millions of dollars into our industry. Ubarter was acquired by a Seattle technology firm in late 1999, and subsequently sold to ITEX.

White became ITEX’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer in 2003. During his tenure, ITEX developed the leading technology platform for on-line and mobile cashless transactions.

Box Office Fox Event Information Database

Visit the Ticket Summit website to learn about the full lineup of speakers for the 2017 event.

Ticket Summit will be held July 11-13, 2017 at The Venetian Las Vegas. All-Access Passes are just $799 and can be purchased on the Ticket Summit website. Ticket Summit will be jam-packed with keynotes, Workshops for Entrepreneurs, panels, the trade show, and much more.