This archive contains coverage of stories related to the legal and legislative landscape for ticketing and ticket resale. Stories are ordered by date, with the most recent stories displaying first. You can view older stories by clicking through to higher numbered pages within the archive.
Minnesota Repeals Scalping Law
By Alfred Branch, Jr. On August 1, the likes of Tom Petty and other artists will no longer have to...
PA Bill Could Permit Reselling of Tickets
Currently, tickets cannot be resold for more than $5 above face value, but a new bill aims to change that....
Scalping Repeal Bill Will Be Heard in Connecticut
By Alfred Branch, Jr. Connecticut’s proposed bill to repeal its scalping law will be heard by the state’s General Assembly...
Connecticut’s Scalping Repeal Stuck in Committee
By Alfred Branch, Jr. A proposed bill to repeal Connecticut’s anti-scalping law received unanimous support Tuesday from the legislative subcommittee...
Is New York’s Anti-Scalping Law About to Fall?
By Alfred Branch, Jr. New York State’s ticket scalping law, which allows for the resale of tickets above face value...
One Step Closer to Legal in Minnesota
By Alfred Branch, Jr. By an overwhelming margin, the Minnesota Senate recently approved a bill to repeal the state’s 94-year-old...
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