A proposal pending in the Maryland City Council would allow ticket holders to sell their Orioles tickets and Ravens tickets for face value or less outside the Camden Yards sports complex, a measure that proponents hope will spur baseball attendance. Current law prohibits the sale of tickets within a one-mile radius of the complex.

The bill would not lift the prohibition against scalping, so ticket sellers still would not be allowed to charge more than face-value. At a meeting yesterday, several council members questioned how well the city could enforce the scalping law if ticket sellers were scattered throughout downtown….

Orioles officials declined to comment on the proposal, but a spokesman for the Ravens said he did not believe the bill would have much of an effect on ticket sales. The team partnered with TicketsNow last May to make the online marketer the club’s “official and exclusive” secondary marketplace.

TFL and ATBS for ticketing professionals

City Council Vice President Robert W. Curran, the chairman of the public safety subcommittee, said he expects to schedule a hearing on the bill this month. If approved by the committee, the legislation could face final vote by the council in May. For more information about this story, click here.