By Stacey Willets releases its exclusive weekly Top Ten Primary and Secondary Live Event Ticket Sellers Rankings for the week ending 5/08/07 this morning. Here is a quick taste of where the websites stand.

Our first top tens chart tells the story of the primary ticket seller that found its groove. Groove Tickets moves up three spots, from number ten to number seven. Brown Paper Tickets, which proclaims to be here to change the industry, makes an appearance in the rankings this week. The website’s Bill of Rights and eco-friendly sounding name perhaps aids its ascent to the number ten position.

Things are similarly quiet on the top secondary sellers chart. Seven of the sellers remain entrenched in their spots. and Coast to Coast Tickets change places like two ships passing in the night. continues its course upwards, while Coast to Coast appears to be venturing in the opposite direction. Tickets Plus, which apparently moves more like a nuclear submarine, knocks Ticket Specialists off the chart to claim the number ten ranking. . . .

If you missed the overall ticket sellers rankings last week, don’t fret. All ten sellers appear in exactly the same spots, a rare repeat alignment that another week could have caused Sanjaya to win American Idol.

To see all the Top Tens rankings, check out the press release in the Daily Buzz section of For full lists of the Top Twenty Secondary Ticket Sellers and the Top Twenty Overall Ticket Sellers, visit the Industry resources section of Ti