High School Musical
Disney’s High School Musical centers on the unlikely friendship that evolves between the jock Troy and brainiac Gabriella at a karaoke contest. Little did the two know that she would be transferring to his school. The duo decide — against their friends’ wishes and to the dismay of school stars (a drama queen and her twin brother) — to audition for the high school musical.

The company features John Jeffrey Martin (Broadway’s Rocky Horror Show, Hairspray) as Troy, Arielle Jacobs as Gabriella, Shakiem Evans (Mamma Mia!, Fame) as Chad, Shaullanda LaCombe (The Lion King) as Taylor, Bobby List (The Human Comedy, The 60’s Project) as Ryan, Olivia Oguma (Mamma Mia!, Les Miserables) as Kelsi and Chandra Lee Schwartz (Gypsy, Hairspray) as Sharpay. . .

Bohmer (The Scarlet Pimpernel, The Phantom of the Opera, The Woman in White) plays Coach Bolton opposite Harvey (Thou Shalt Not, The Music Man, tour of Mamma Mia!) as drama teacher Ms. Darbus.

Find High School Musical Tickets at www.TicketLiquidator.com.

The tour lineup (subject to change) is as follows:

· Detroit, MI: Fisher Theatre (June 26-July 8)

· Philadelphia, PA: Kimmel Center (July 11-22)

· Chicago, IL: LaSalle Bank Theatre (July 25-Sept. 2)

· Toronto, ON: Princess of Wales Theatre (Sept. 4-23)

· Buffalo, NY: Shea’s Performing Arts Center (Sep. 25-30)

· East Lansing, MI: Wharton Center (Oct. 2-7)

· Rochester, NY: Auditorium Theatre (Oct. 16-21)

· Columbus, OH: Palace Theatre (Oct. 23-28)

· Cleveland, OH: Palace Theatre (Nov. 13-18)

· St. Louis, MO: Fox Theatre (Jan. 9-13, 2008)

· Baltimore, MD: Hippodrome Theatre (Feb. 19-March 2, 2008)

High School Musical on Stage! is a stage adaptation of the Disney Channel Original Movie High School Musical. It follows the same basic plot but some things have been changed to make it more ‘stage friendly’ such as the order of some songs being swapped or added compared to the film. The show is available for schools, community groups and professional theatre companies to perform.

Thanks to www.wikipedia.org, www.ticketliquidator.com, and www.playbill.com