Live Nation added a new social media app to its ever growing arsenal on May 2, 2012, with the official launch of its Concert Calendar Facebook app.

Launching following a six month beta test, wherein over 10,000 users combed the app for quirks, the Concert Calendar will create an interactive calendar for users, allowing them to keep up to date on upcoming events featuring their favorite performers. Data for the calendar will be taken from a user’s “likes” on Facebook, what artists a user listens to or follows on additional Facebook apps (such as Spotify), and what concerts or events a user’s Facebook friends are set to attend.

Once an upcoming event is selected for a user and placed on the calendar, the user will be able to click on the event and purchase tickets through Live Nation’s main primary ticket sale arm Ticketmaster or one of the 75 additional ticketing sites that Live Nation has partnered with for the app. In addition to providing users with upcoming events they might be interested in, the calendar app provides users with “Concert Cash,” which can be used toward the purchase of concert tickets, for using the app.

To improve the app’s ability to accurately predict which events a user might be interested in, users are able to “like” a particular event without purchasing tickets, thereby narrowing down the app’s algorithms. By clicking through the event date that a Facebook friend is attending, a user is able to see where that friend is sitting for the concert and, if there are available seats, purchase seats nearby.

Ticket Flipping's toolbox of ticket broker tools

According to beta testing data, the average Concert Calendar user spends roughly two and a half minutes on the app per visit, which means that users are certainly spending enough time browsing the app to buy tickets for upcoming events.

However, the calendar will not be solely for upcoming concerts and stage events. Live Nation has taken suggestions from the app’s beta users and now allows for all of a user’s Facebook events to be added to the calendar. In addition, Live Nation is currently working on allowing users to add their Facebook friends’ events to the calendar as well, creating a totally integrated Facebook calendar.

While the Concert Calendar may be the newest Live Nation app, the entertainment giant also announced to Billboard that it would be launching a contest through Twitter this summer. The “#Million Tweets of Summer” sweepstakes will be focused on creating buzz for Live Nation’s upcoming summer concert tours. By using #MillionTweets, which in the Twitter-sphere allows for the creation of a searchable buzz word on the site, participants will be asked to tweet in promotion of upcoming concerts in exchange for a chance to win tickets to concerts, meet and greets with artists, merchandise, and other perks.

The contest will continue, with participants unlocking prizes throughout, until the millionth tweet is reached. While Live Nation has yet to announce what prize will be unlocked with the millionth tweet, it is likely to be a prize of great value.

With the new Facebook app and the upcoming Twitter sweepstakes, it is clear that Live Nation is working to embrace the ever expanding world of social media, and in doing so, increase the visibility of the Live Nation brand. Based on the success of these latest endeavors, time will tell if other ticket outlets join Live Nation in their social media blitz.