WeHaveSeats.com has received the highest rated “Concert & Sports Event Ticket Comparison” website on ReviewPlace.com with a rating of 5 stars. ReviewPlace.com is a website that encourages people to save gas, avoid crowds and shop online. Other ticket websites to receive ratings in the category were; TicketsNow.com (4.5 Stars), OpenSeats.com (4.5 Stars), Ticket Distributors.com (4 Stars), TicketsExposed.com (4 Stars), MrTickets.com (3.5 Stars), and Fandango.com (3.5 Stars).

The ReviewPlace.com subject matter experts review hundreds of products and services. During the process, they eliminate all the bad products and poorly designed sites. Other websites to receive the 5 star honor in other categories are GoDaddy, Yahoo! Music Unlimited, Commission Junction, and eHarmony. ReviewPlace.com won’t list any product, service or store that does not achieve at least 3.0 stars.