Broadway Ticket Sales Report
Week ending March 18, 2007

By Carol-Ann Rudy

Another bonus week on Broadway! The gross was up again, $18,294,928 compared to last week’s $18,114,084. And like last week, the same four productions, all musicals, lead the pack: “Wicked” at $1,388,693, up from last week; “Mary Poppins” at $1,188,689, up from last week; “Jersey Boys” at $1,160,591, down slightly from last week; and “The Lion King” at $1,129,632, up considerably.

Altogether, fourteen productions fared at 90% or better in filling their houses.

It should be noted that the numbers for “The Coast of Utopia” last week are combined: “Part 1 – Voyage” played three performances, “Part 2 – Shipwreck” played two performances, and “Part 3 – Salvage” played two performances. This helps explain the increase in gross receipts of about $25,000 over the previous reporting period, from $530,101 to $576,164 this past week.

Still struggling was the play, “Journey’s End,” grossing only $160,856 at about 42% capacity. Its potential ticket sales income is listed as $597,241; a fairly large discrepancy. Examining causes for this brings to light that its average ticket sale is just $46.58. Only “Prelude to a Kiss” posted a lower average ticket sale of $41.89. However, that production is making a better showing at about 69% capacity, $170,071 in ticket sales, and a lot fewer seats. By comparison, the play “The Year of Magical Thinking” has made an excellent early show of returns, with $408,605, filled to 95% capacity.

“The Pirate Queen,” a musical by the Tony Award-winning creators of “Les Miserables” and “Miss Saigon,” has been in previews at the Hilton Theatre since March 6 and opens April 5. It’s doing well with $590,498 in ticket sales and 81% capacity this past week.

Broadway Gross Reports, March 12–18, 2007
All data provided by The League of American Theatres and Producers

Weekly Gross Total Atten. Prev. Perf. Total Capacity Avg. Ticket Price Atten. %
A Chorus Line
$706,622 8,237 0 8 1,069 $85.79 96.3%
Avenue Q
$349,841 5,177 0 8 796 $67.58 81.3%
Beauty and Beast
$723,533 11,876 0 8 1,509 $60.92 98.4%
$555,779 7,996 0 8 1,080 $69.51 92.5%
$331,414 5,219 0 8 1,046 $63.50 62.4%
$653,484 9,569 8 0 1,422 $68.29 84.1%
Grey Gardens
$364,540 5,260 0 8 922 $69.30 71.3%
(Neil Simon)
$660,505 10,463 0 8 1,428 $63.13 91.6%
Jersey Boys
(August Wilson)
$1,160,591 9,843 0 8 1,222 $117.91 100.7%
Journey’s End
$160,856 3,453 0 8 1,017 $46.58 42.4%
Les Miserables
$612,192 7,948 0 8 1,122 $77.02 88.5%
Mamma Mia!
(Cadillac Winter Garden)
$867,128 11,728 0 8 1,498 $73.94 97.9%
Mary Poppins
(New Amsterdam)
$1,188,689 14,270 0 8 1,791 $83.30 99.6%
Prelude to a Kiss
(American Airlines)
$170,071 4,060 0 8 740 $41.89 68.6%
$425,879 7,371 0 8 1,181 $57.78 78.0%
$836,446 10,450 0 8 1,441 $80.04 90.6%
Spring Awakening
$535,772 7,282 0 8 1,090 $73.57 83.5%
Talk Radio
$267,631 5,113 0 8 1,095 $52.34 58.4%
$644,115 9,582 0 8 1,319 $67.22 90.8%
The 25th…Bee
(Circle in Square)
$229,002 4,212 0 8 684 $54.37 77.0%
The Coast of Utopia
$576,164 6,720 0 7 1,047 $85.74 91.7%
The Color Purple
$718,899 11,177 0 8 1,718 $64.32 81.3%
The Drowsy Chaperone
$828,384 11,306 0 8 1,611 $73.27 87.7%
The Lion King
$1,129,632 12,687 0 8 1,598 $89.04 99.2%
The Phantom of the Opera
$780,406 12,315 0 8 1,607 $63.37 95.8%
The Pirate Queen
$590,498 10,210 7 0 1,799 $57.84 81.1%
The Producers
(St. James)
$429,558 6,969 0 8 1,706 $61.64 51.1%
The Year…Thinking
$408,605 5,202 7 0 782 $78.55 95.0%
$1,388,693 14,472 0 8 1,809 $95.96 100.0%

Comparison with Previous Week

Weekly Gross Last Week’s Gross $ Change Atten. % Last Week’s Atten. % Atten. % Change
A Chorus Line
$706,622 $645,359 $61,263 96.3% 82.5% 13.8%
Avenue Q
$349,841 $370,293 -$20,452 81.3% 86.3% -5.0%
Beauty and Beast
$723,533 $654,897 $68,636 98.4% 91.4% 6.9%
$555,779 $485,369 $70,410 92.5% 80.2% 12.3%
$331,414 $327,325 $4,089 62.4% 57.2% 5.2%
$653,484 $556,019 $97,465 84.1% 70.3% 13.8%
Grey Gardens
$364,540 $374,926 -$10,386 71.3% 69.8% 1.5%
(Neil Simon)
$660,505 $554,699 $105,806 91.6% 81.0% 10.6%
Jersey Boys
(August Wilson)
$1,160,591 $1,178,547 -$17,956 100.7% 100.6% 0.1%
Journey’s End
$160,856 $149,846 $11,010 42.4% 38.6% 3.8%
Les Miserables
$612,192 $672,531 -$60,339 88.5% 94.2% -5.6%
Mamma Mia!
(Cadillac Winter Garden)
$867,128 $850,051 $17,077 97.9% 93.6% 4.3%
Mary Poppins
(New Amsterdam)
$1,188,689 $1,025,733 $162,955 99.6% 88.2% 11.4%
Prelude to a Kiss
(American Airlines)
$170,071 $152,747 $17,323 68.6% 59.4% 9.2%
$425,879 $369,276 $56,603 78.0% 68.1% 9.9%
$836,446 $794,896 $41,550 90.6% 90.9% -0.3%
Spring Awakening
$535,772 $529,696 $6,076 83.5% 81.9% 1.6%
Talk Radio
$267,631 $188,081 $79,551 58.4% 51.0% 7.4%
$644,115 $562,095 $82,020 90.8% 80.3% 10.5%
The 25th…Bee
(Circle in Square)
$229,002 $222,155 $6,847 77.0% 71.6% 5.3%
The Coast of Utopia
$576,164 $530,101 $46,063 91.7% 92.6% -0.9%
The Color Purple
$718,899 $716,623 $2,275 81.3% 80.7% 0.6%
The Drowsy Chaperone
$828,384 $725,614 $102,770 87.7% 73.1% 14.6%
The Lion King
$1,129,632 $1,027,155 $102,477 99.2% 90.2% 9.0%
The Phantom of the Opera
$780,406 $655,893 $124,513 95.8% 80.6% 15.2%
The Pirate Queen
$590,498 $615,585 -$25,087 81.1% 85.2% -4.2%
The Producers
(St. James)
$429,558 $557,529 -$127,971 51.1% 63.3% -12.3%
The Year…Thinking
$408,605 $373,164 $35,440 95.0% 94.1% 1.0%
$1,388,693 $1,370,150 $18,543 100.0% 99.9% 0.1%