By Carol-Ann Rudy
Week of March 5 – March 11, 2007

There’s a healthy thaw in the winter air on Broadway this past week, and a nice increase in total ticket sales to $18,114,084. Ten productions are enjoying 90% capacity or better houses, and only one, “Journey’s End,” struggles with less than 40% capacity and just $149,846 in sales.

Topping the list of biggest draws once again in the million-dollar club are four productions: “Wicked” with $1,370,150 at about 100% capacity, followed by “Jersey Boys” with $1,178,547 at 100% capacity; “The Lion King” with $1,027,155, at just over 90% capacity; and lastly “Mary Poppins” earning $1,025,733 at 88% capacity. The most expensive ticket on Broadway? For the best seat in the house at “Jersey Boys” the theatre-goer is paying $351.50.

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A new production, “The Year of Magical Thinking” at the Booth Theatre, had a great preview week filled to 94% capacity with $373,154 in ticket sales. It is scheduled to open March 29.

The other productions enjoying a very good week with more than 90% capacity were: “Les Miserables” with $672,531; “Mamma Mia!” with $850,051; “The Coast of Utopia” with $530,101; “Translations” with $227,558 and almost 91%; “Beauty and The Beast” with $654,897; and “Spamalot” with $794,896 in ticket sales.

All data provided by The League of American Theatres and Producers

Weekly Gross Total Atten. Prev. Perf. Total Capacity Avg. Ticket Price Atten. %
A Chorus Line
$645,359 7,058 0 8 1,069 $91.44 82.5%
Avenue Q
$370,293 5,493 0 8 796 $67.41 86.3%
Beauty and Beast
$654,897 11,038 0 8 1,509 $59.33 91.4%
$485,369 6,932 0 8 1,080 $70.02 80.2%
$327,325 4,787 0 8 1,046 $68.38 57.2%
$556,019 7,999 8 0 1,422 $69.51 70.3%
Grey Gardens
$374,926 5,148 0 8 922 $72.83 69.8%
(Neil Simon)
$554,699 9,248 0 8 1,428 $59.98 81.0%
Jersey Boys
(August Wilson)
$1,178,547 9,835 0 8 1,222 $119.83 100.6%
Journey’s End
$149,846 3,142 0 8 1,017 $47.69 38.6%
Les Miserables
$672,531 8,455 0 8 1,122 $79.54 94.2%
Mamma Mia!
(Cadillac Winter Garden)
$850,051 11,218 0 8 1,498 $75.78 93.6%
Mary Poppins
(New Amsterdam)
$1,025,733 12,642 0 8 1,791 $81.14 88.2%
Prelude to a Kiss
(American Airlines)
$152,747 3,514 3 5 740 $43.47 59.4%
$369,276 6,433 0 8 1,181 $57.40 68.1%
$794,896 10,482 0 8 1,441 $75.83 90.9%
Spring Awakening
$529,696 7,144 0 8 1,090 $74.15 81.9%
Talk Radio
$188,081 4,468 7 1 1,095 $42.10 51.0%
$562,095 8,474 0 8 1,319 $66.33 80.3%
The 25th…Bee
(Circle in Square)
$222,155 3,920 0 8 684 $56.67 71.6%
The Apple Tree
(Studio 54)
$364,086 6,411 0 8 1,006 $56.79 79.7%
The Coast of Utopia
$530,101 7,756 0 8 1,047 $68.35 92.6%
The Color Purple
$716,623 11,091 0 8 1,718 $64.61 80.7%
The Drowsy Chaperone
$725,614 9,423 0 8 1,611 $77.00 73.1%
The Lion King
$1,027,155 11,534 0 8 1,598 $89.05 90.2%
The Phantom of the Opera
$655,893 10,365 0 8 1,607 $63.28 80.6%
The Pirate Queen
$615,585 10,735 7 0 1,799 $57.34 85.2%
The Producers
(St. James)
$557,529 8,645 0 8 1,706 $64.49 63.3%
The Vertical Hour
(Music Box)
$286,084 4,867 0 8 993 $58.78 61.3%
The Year…Thinking
$373,164 4,413 6 0 782 $84.56 94.1%
$227,558 4,716 0 8 650 $48.25 90.7%
$1,370,150 14,461 0 8 1,809 $94.75 99.9%

Comparison with Previous Week

Weekly Gross Last Week’s Gross $ Change Atten. % Last Week’s Atten. % Atten. % Change
A Chorus Line
$645,359 $617,660 $27,699 82.5% 78.9% 3.7%
Avenue Q
$370,293 $318,516 $51,777 86.3% 75.7% 10.6%
Beauty and Beast
$654,897 $565,974 $88,923 91.4% 73.1% 18.3%
$485,369 $418,552 $66,816 80.2% 70.6% 9.7%
$327,325 $312,745 $14,580 57.2% 56.0% 1.2%
$556,019 $458,168 $97,851 70.3% 62.9% 7.4%
Grey Gardens
$374,926 $317,208 $57,718 69.8% 57.6% 12.2%
(Neil Simon)
$554,699 $465,526 $89,173 81.0% 66.1% 14.9%
Jersey Boys
(August Wilson)
$1,178,547 $1,159,592 $18,955 100.6% 100.6% 0.0%
Journey’s End
$149,846 $124,250 $25,596 38.6% 32.5% 6.1%
Les Miserables
$672,531 $517,287 $155,244 94.2% 77.9% 16.3%
Mamma Mia!
(Cadillac Winter Garden)
$850,051 $777,664 $72,386 93.6% 90.0% 3.7%
Mary Poppins
(New Amsterdam)
$1,025,733 $917,952 $107,781 88.2% 78.3% 9.9%
Prelude to a Kiss
(American Airlines)
$152,747 $164,564 -$11,817 59.4% 65.3% -6.0%
$369,276 $281,972 $87,304 68.1% 53.9% 14.2%
$794,896 $693,975 $100,922 90.9% 78.4% 12.6%
Spring Awakening
$529,696 $510,609 $19,087 81.9% 78.3% 3.7%
Talk Radio
$188,081 $184,593 $3,488 51.0% 49.4% 1.6%
$562,095 $483,503 $78,592 80.3% 73.2% 7.1%
The 25th…Bee
(Circle in Square)
$222,155 $209,905 $12,251 71.6% 72.6% -0.9%
The Apple Tree
(Studio 54)
$364,086 $285,706 $78,381 79.7% 64.4% 15.3%
The Coast of Utopia
$530,101 $516,380 $13,721 92.6% 91.5% 1.1%
The Color Purple
$716,623 $686,063 $30,561 80.7% 80.1% 0.6%
The Drowsy Chaperone
$725,614 $631,482 $94,132 73.1% 68.7% 4.4%
The Lion King
$1,027,155 $892,194 $134,961 90.2% 82.0% 8.3%
The Phantom of the Opera
$655,893 $546,132 $109,761 80.6% 67.9% 12.7%
The Pirate Queen
$615,585 n/a n/a 85.2% n/a n/a
The Producers
(St. James)
$557,529 $458,163 $99,366 63.3% 52.1% 11.2%
The Vertical Hour
(Music Box)
$286,084 $235,165 $50,920 61.3% 52.0% 9.3%
The Year…Thinking
$373,164 n/a n/a 94.1% n/a n/a
$227,558 $272,648 -$45,090 90.7% 94.8% -4.1%
$1,370,150 $1,355,906 $14,244 99.9% 99.4% 0.5%
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