BOSTON GLOBE — Boston Red Sox officials are getting tough with season ticket holders caught reselling their tickets for a profit. Ron Bumgarner, Red Sox vice president of ticketing, said yesterday the team is preparing to revoke the seats of at least three and as many as five season ticket holders caught reselling their tickets online. The exact number will depend on the outcome of the team’s investigation, he said.

Sox officials also said they plan to use information gleaned from arrests of ticket resellers around Fenway Park to track down who is supplying those street sellers with tickets….

Charles Cellucci, director of security and emergency services for the Red Sox, said any season ticket holder caught reselling their tickets to turn a profit could have their tickets revoked. “This is a work in progress,” Cellucci said. “The main goal is to keep tickets out of the hands of scalpers and in the hands of regular fans.”

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The Red Sox have talked tough in the past, but the team has rarely revoked the seats of season ticket holders. The Sox have always paid for a Boston Police detail at Red Sox games, but that detail has shown little interest in recent years in enforcing the state’s antiscalping law, which requires people in the business of reselling tickets to be licensed by the state and to charge no more than $2 above face value plus service and business expenses. (Full Story)

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