Rocker Jon Bon Jovi will be performing at a fundraiser for Senator Hillary Clinton, soon to be Secretary of State, at Town Hall in New York City on January 15. Tickets are priced from $75-$1,000 for the performance billed as “a final evening in support of Hillary Clinton for President Debt Relief.”

The former first lady has been working to pay down her debt to clear the way for confirmation for the Cabinet position. If confirmed as Secretary of State, she will be prohibited from actively soliciting seeking campaign contributions. Clinton wrote off $13.1 million in personal loans during her presidential campaign.

Bon Jovi, an avowed democrat, held a fund-raiser for President-elect Barack Obama at his New Jersey home a couple of months ago. He also performed for former Presidents George Bush and Bill Clinton when they were awarded the Liberty Medal in 2006. Bon Jovi is outspoken in the fights against poverty and global warming and also works with Habitat for Humanity.

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