The Ticket Summit® conference and trade show for live entertainment executives today, January 20, concludes its three-day conference, which includes a keynote, three panel sessions, and a closing gala. The keynote session this afternoon will feature Seth Hurwitz, independent promoter and co-owner of 9:30 Club.

Today’s panel sessions will include “Data Mining & Pricing,” “The Hispanic Ticket Market,” and “Legislative Preview.”

Crystal Astrachan, business development manager of SuperBoleterí, told TicketNews what she will cover on “The Hispanic Ticket Market” panel. She said, “I will explain how we work with brokers to accept international orders and what they can do to help us.”

Another “The Hispanic Ticket Market” panelist, Sebastian Aroca, co-founder of Hispanic Market Advisors, said he will “give an overview of the Hispanic market and talk about the Hispanic market as it relates to the ticket industry.”

Friday’s schedule also includes the concurrent trade show, where nearly 20 companies will demonstrate their products and services.

Ticket Summit concludes this evening with its signature closing gala to be held at ARENA in Times Square. The upcoming Ticket Summit summer conference will be held July 11-13, 2012, at Bellagio Resort Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, NV.

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