While the novel coronavirus spreads across the world, the live event industry, as well as the sporting world, has been completely halted. Movie theaters, restaurants, churches, and all Broadway shows have closed. At this point, people are being ordered to stay inside, but according to a new survey, people will still be less inclined to go to events even when the virus dies down.

A new study was published by Performance Research, a sports and research film, in partnership with Full Circle Research Co. The study, reported by Variety, surveyed 1,000 customers in the U.S. and found that only 18% of people said they’d attend more large public events once they are cleared by the CDC. A majority of those surveyed – 44% – said they would attend fewer large public events, with 38% saying they’d attend about the same number. Additionally, 47% said that just the idea of going to a public event “will scare me for a long time.”

In terms of concerts and sporting events, a third of respondents said they plan to attend indoor sporting events and concert venues less often after COVID-19 has subsided. Respondents were mainly concerned with these areas being disinfected properly; two-thirds of those surveyed said their concern with public venues over the cleanliness and sanitation of buildings and restrooms would be higher than before the pandemic, with 65% concerned for the cleanliness of food service areas. More than half said they will be concerned about being close to other strangers or being within a crowd.

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As many people are currently stuck at home, 53% of respondents said they will have a “pent-up desire to attend the events I love,” and 46% will value going to public events more than they did before.

Respondents of the study were surveyed between March 23 and 26. Since then, the U.S. has nearly doubled in cases. As of Friday afternoon, over 1 million people across the globe have tested positive for the virus, killing over 58,000. Reports from Worldometers.info shows U.S. currently has the most cases across the globe, infecting over 266,000 and killing over 6,000.