Researchers in Israel are currently testing a tunnel disinfectant technology that will spray visitors before they enter a stadium in an attempt to curb the spread of coronavirus.

According to The Times of Israel, the industrial firm RD Pack in Karmiel crated the disinfectant out of water and applied it to a tunnel structure, while Dr. Eran Avraham, Dr. Izaak Cohen, and professor Doronn Aurbach developed the method. The tunnel is reportedly made out of an aluminum and polycarbonate frame, and the disinfectant – hypochlorous acid – is not harmful to human skin or food, The Times reports.

During a demonstration this week, RD Pack’s business development manager Eran Druker told The Times that “when people walk through the tunnel, their whole body gets sprayed with the disinfectant, which works fast and efficiently, and proves the complete sterilization of a person.”

Currently, the method is being tested at Bloomfield Stadium in Tel Aviv, as soccer games are expected to return to the stadium – without fans. Druker said that the tunnel will likely be used for public and private events like games, concerts, airports, schools, and busses amid the pandemic.

This will likely be a new norm in the industry, at least for the time being. Concert promoters and venues across the globe are considering how to move forward during this time – either by implementing crowdless events or drive-in concerts and festivals.