Ticket Summit® continues today, January 19, with its full conference schedule of keynotes, panel sessions, networking events, and a concurrent trade show. Today’s schedule includes the first of two keynote sessions, featuring Richard Krezwick, president of Devils Arena Entertainment.

There will also be three panel sessions held today. In the morning, panelists will speak on “Premium Packages & Ticket Bundles” and “Search Engine Marketing.” In the afternoon, Dave Butler (CEO, Paciolan), Susan Cohig (senior VP of integrated marketing, NHL), and Michael Kenney (senior VP of live event marketing, Harlem Globetrotters) will speak on the “World of Sports” panel.

The “Premium Packages & Ticket Bundles” panel will cover ways in which tickets can be joined with customized entertainment packages. Panelist Robert Tuchman, president of Elite Experiences, told TicketNews, “I would like to discuss partnerships with events and what is important in developing those relationships.”

Ben Kirshner, CEO of Elite SEM and a panelist on “Search Engine Marketing,” says he plans to speak about “the different levels of using Google ad words. There’s a lot of data available but people don’t know about it.”

Ticket Summit’s concurrent trade show began yesterday afternoon, January 18, and continues today. Nearly 20 exhibitors will showcase their products and services for conference attendees.

Ticket Summit began on Wednesday, January 18, with a TicketNetwork® Point-of-Sale Training session followed by a networking cocktail party. The cocktail party served as an opportunity for attendees to meet and mingle in a social setting.

Ticket Summit continues through Friday, January 20, and will conclude with a closing gala at ARENA in Times Square.

Ticket Summit® is a registered trademark of Ticket Summit, Inc. For additional information, please visit TicketSummit.org.