By Stacey Willets releases its exclusive weekly Top Ten Primary and Secondary Live Event Ticket Sellers Rankings for the week ending 7/10/07 today. Here is a quick taste of where all the websites stand.

Reviewing this week’s Primary Sellers rankings may give you a serious sense of déjà vu. Last week’s top ten all return to exactly the same spots. A glitch in the Matrix? Maybe so. While the chart demonstrates consistency, predictability and, dare we say, inactivity, the sellers themselves are anything but dormant. . .

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Ticketmaster, undisputed leader in the industry, furthers their attempt to corner the primary market with the recent announcement of their intent to acquire Paciolan. Second ranked expands their reach by working with secondary seller RazorGator as well as by signing contracts with Peoria Sports Complex and Mesa Sports Association, two venues in the greater Phoenix area. Live Nation, number three this week, frequents headlines with articles about their newly designed web site launched in the U.K., their $200 million notes offering, the reorganization of their Live Nation Canada executive team, and their upcoming presentation of a Jeremy McGrath commemorative statue to the Motorcycle Hall of Fame Museum. Behind those sellers are TicketWeb at the number four position, at five, Telecharge at six, Tix at seven, Groove Tickets at eight, Wantickets at nine, and TicketsWest at ten, lining up with little ceremony.

Things appear relatively calm in the secondary market’s rankings as well. While ticket resellers are busy packing for the upcoming Ticket Summit and NATB trade shows, most of the web sites remain in last week’s positions. StubHub! spends another week atop the chart, followed once again by TicketsNow, TicketLiquidator, Coast to Coast Tickets, TickCo Premium Seating, ABC Tickets,, and RazorGator. Ticket Triangle bursts onto the scene to take the number nine spot, moving up five places from number fourteen. Online Seats, number nine last week, gets bumped down to ten.

With the recent repeal of anti-scalping laws in New York and now Connecticut, the Top Overall Sellers chart is becoming more populated with resellers. This week secondary sellers take seven of the ten spots with StubHub! ranked at two, TicketsNow at three, TicketLiquidator at five, Coast to Coast Tickets at seven, TickCo Premium Seating at eight, ABC Tickets at nine, and at ten. Despite the prevalence of the secondary market sites, Ticketmaster remains the bastion of the industry at number one, with and Live Nation also representing the primary market at positions four and six, respectively.

To see all the Top Tens rankings, check out the press release in the Daily Buzz section of Visit the Industry resources section of for full lists of the Top Twenty Secondary Ticket Sellers and the Top Twenty Overall Ticket Sellers, to read an explanation of how we calculate the rankings, or to download the application for inclusion in our rankings.