By Talmadge Harper

For the first time in the company’s history, Ace Ticket has been named “Boston’s Best Ticket Broker” by Boston Magazine, the first broker to receive the award. Ace Ticket owner and founder Jim Holzman, thrilled by the honor, spoke with TicketNews about what it takes to stay on top of the ultra-competitive ticket business for more than 20 years, while keeping customers happy and satisfied. Boston Magazine publishes a “Best of Boston” issue annually, but 2007 was the first year the magazine introduced the best broker category.

TicketNews: To what do you attribute the success of your company?

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Holzman: I think what got us to the point of success is having the inventory, in addition outstanding customer service. We have the tickets that people want and desire. We also have seven locations, which in this day and age is a rare thing. Everyday more and more ticket brokers are moving to a solely online experience. Ace Ticket’s multiple physical locations give customers that extra experience and personal service. . .

TicketNews: Were you surprised to receive the award?

Holzman: We were surprised. There are two different awards in two different publications, the other one being the Boston Phoenix. We did win the Boston Phoenix award six years in a row. We had no idea about the Boston Magazine awards. Boston Magazine doesn’t tell anyone, in any shape or form. They have a party, and at the party we had no idea we were winning it, they never had the category before.

TicketNews: The award is very prestigious, is your company making plans to ready itself for other brokers who will be vying for the honor of “Best Broker?”

Holzman: What my competition does has no value with how we do our business. My only concern is outstanding customer service and giving customers value for their dollar.

TicketNews: Any finals thoughts or remarks?

Holzman: We are honored to receive the award and we look forward to continuing giving Boston the best service we can.

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