If you are a New York Mets fan, you have high expectations for this season. The team is looking to build off their 101-win season, second place finish in the NL East and postseason performance.

On Monday, April 10 the Mets will be begin a 3-day home series grudge match against the San Diego Padres, the team that knocked them out of the playoffs last year. Fans are heading to games all over the country to cheer on their favorite teams. The opening game tickets are selling at a brisk rate, but there are still plenty of tickets left for the Tuesday and Wednesday night games. Right now, Met tickets are cheaper than expected at the ticket selling website MegaSeats and many are selling below face value and less than the official seller Ticketmaster. Many of the upper deck tickets are selling for $20 or less, many are priced at $9.

Not bad for a replay of the 2022 NL wild card series.

Ticket Flipping's toolbox of ticket broker tools

You may be asking yourself why the tickets from MegaSeats are so much cheaper than the official seller. Well, the answer lies in the hidden fees.

At the official website Ticketmaster, additional servicing and processing fees are added. When you start the process for purchasing, the price for the tickets is not the price you end with. The total ticket price mystery is not clear until you have entered your credit card information near the end of the checkout process, where tickets can and have increased by thirty to fifty percent.

With MEGASeats.com, the mystery is taken out of the process. The ticketing website advertises itself as a no fees ticket seller, and they live up to that claim. Though at first glance the tickets available at Ticketmaster and MEGASeats in the same area of the arena may seem similar in price, by the end of the checkout process you see a huge difference in prices.

If you want to get Mets tickets at a better price, or any other MLB game, your best bet is to purchase them at MEGASeats.