By Stacey Willets releases its exclusive weekly Top Ten Primary and Secondary Live Event Ticket Sellers Rankings for the week ending 5/22/07 this morning. Here is a quick taste of where the websites stand.

This week’s Primary Sellers maintain their formation like ducks in a row. The top seven websites appear in the same spots as last week with Ticketmaster leading the parade, followed by, Live Nation, TicketWeb,, Tix, and Telecharge. Wantickets returns to the chart in the number eight spot, moving Groove Tickets and TicketsWest down one position each, and bumping Brown Paper Tickets out of the rankings.

TFL and ATBS for ticketing professionals

The Secondary Sellers chart sees a few spot swaps: TicketsNow and TicketLiquidator switch places, as do ABC Tickets and RazorGator. Tickets Plus once again knocks Ticket Specialists off the chart and assumes the number ten ranking . . .

In the Overall Ticket Sellers rankings, TicketsNow and Live Nation uncouple themselves and go their separate ways. TicketsNow moves up from number five to number three, while Live Nation takes a step down from number five to number six., which spent the last three weeks in the top three, drops to number five.

To see all the Top Tens rankings, check out the press release in the Daily Buzz section of For full lists of the Top Twenty Secondary Ticket Sellers and the Top Twenty Overall Ticket Sellers, visit the Industry resources section of