The month of April saw the continued dominance of and, as compiled within TicketNews’s weekly power rankings of the internet’s top primary and secondary ticketing websites.
The primary ticketing website rankings saw Ticketmaster taking the top spot throughout the month, followed by,,, and rounding out the top five. With a power score of 73, Ticketmaster dominated the online ticket market throughout April. Their closet competitor, Live Nation, only maintained a power score of 11.
The secondary ticketing market was once again dominated by StubHub, followed up closely by Rounding out the top five for the month were and, which alternated between third and forth throughout the month, and which consistently remained in fifth place for the month. StubHub and TicketsNow were separated by a mere 5 points within the power rankings, with StubHub pulling down a power score of 21 and Ticketsnow scoring a 16.
In the overall rankings, combining both lists, Ticketmaster once again maintained the top spot, averaging a power score of 45. StubHub opened the month in third place, but finished the month in second place, while Live Nation opened the month in second place before dropping down into fourth, finally finishing the month in third. TicketsNow spent the majority of April in fourth, and rounded out the top five for the month, holding steady in fifth place every week.
TicketNews developed the exclusive Power Ranking of ticket sellers using market share information from multiple independent web traffic resources. Power Rankings are determined using a score developed by TicketNews, which estimates the amount of web traffic per ticket seller’s website. Two sources of information are combined to determine this score. One relies on unique visitors, the other relies on overall visits and is given more weight in the ranking.
Top Combined Sellers
Top Secondary Sellers
Top Primary Sellers
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