Another UK-based ticket Web site has run afoul of authorities for allegedly defrauding customers.

Late last week, government officials shut down for allegedly scamming customers out of an estimated £2.5 million (about $4.2 million) in ticket orders that were never filled, according to published reports.

The crackdown comes hot on the heels of British authorities stepping in and closing Web sites associated with Xclusive Leisure & Hospitality, which allegedly scammed consumers who thought they were buying Beijing Olympics tickets.

Fans who visit the Paperticket site are greeted with the following message:

Insomniac browser for ticketing professionals

“On 16 October, the Metropolitan Police Service’s Computer Crime Unit requested the dehosting of the website under the Proceeds of Crime Act. People who have bought tickets from this site are encouraged to call Consumer Direct for advice on 08454 04 05 06.”

Earlier in the year, British officials issued a report on the secondary ticket market and “touts,” or scalpers, and deemed the market, which had been tightly controlled was viable in the UK and would only need continued monitoring but no new regulations. The secondary market in the UK will be among the topics discussed in January at Ticket Summit in New York City.

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