Ticketmaster Mexico has announced Ana María Arroyo as its new CEO to replace Lorenza Baz – who had led the company for three decades. The change came in the wake of the messy finale of Bad Bunny’s tour in Mexico City in December, which saw thousands of ticket-holders locked out of the stadium as the concert started.

Arroyo will be responsible for accelerating the technological transformations in the company and guaranteeing the optimal operation of its platforms. Using more digital tools and acting co-responsibly with the competent authorities against illegal ticket resale are also emphasized in the same statement.

“To close space to illegal actions such as the resale of tickets” is declared to be among the objectives of Arroyo’s new role. According to the statement, the change of leadership aims to reaffirm Ticketmaster’s “determination to improve the experience for fans, event promoters, venues, and business partners, as well as ensure the quality of their service”.

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In the aftermath of thousands of complaints regarding denial from those holding tickets to the Bad Bunny show in December, the ticket company claimed that an unprecedented number of people with fake tickets attempted to get into the show, adding that fans who had acquired “legitimate tickets through official channels” would be fully refunded.

PROFECO’s (Mexico’s Office of the Federal Procecutor for the Consumer) leader, Ricardo Sheffield, on the other hand, said there were no fake tickets in the Bad Bunny fiasco, but a “classic case of overselling tickets.”

The tickets “weren’t falsified. Ticketmaster said they were falsified; but they issued all of them,” Sheffield told Radio Fórmula, calling the situation “an elegant way to oversell.”

In addition to refunding consumers who were denied entry at the concert, Ticketmaster Mexico faced a fine over the incident, that was up to ten percent of Ticketmaster Mexico’s 2021 revenue. The ticketing giant were “solely responsible” for the chaos for “overselling” the gig, according to PROFECO.

Ticketmaster did not admit the claims, but agreed on collaborating with the investigation. Then came the news of a change in its internal system. The former CEO of Ticketmaster Mexico, Lorenza Baz will continue working in Mexico-based promoter OCESA’s business development, according to Milenio. OCESA, the leading live entertainment company in Mexico, was purchased by Ticketmaster’s parent company Live Nation in 2021.